Martin Grashei is giving an invited talk at the Munich School of Bioengineering Online Seminar

Next week there will be a special seminar talk by Martin Grashei taking place on 04.08.2020 on Zoom at 1 PM organised by the Munich School of Bioengineering.

Title: In vivo pH-imaging using hyperpolarized zymonic acid for the characterization of healthy tissue and tumor metabolism

Abstract: Hyperpolarization of nuclei is a method to enhance the sensitivity of NMR-active nuclei by several orders of magnitude. Hyperpolarized 13C-labelled biomolecules bear the potential to non-invasively characterize a variety of metabolic parameters such as enzymatic activity or pH using magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging. In our group, we used the deuterated and 13C-labeled pH-sensor [1,5-13C2, 3,6,6,6-D4]zymonic acid, which is polarized using dynamic nuclear polarization, for acquisition of spatially resolved information on the tissue pH, thereby allowing in vivo pH imaging. We further applied this technique to characterize renal function of mice and metabolism of tumors. Our aim is to evaluate the potential of pH-imaging as a tool to diagnose different pathologies, especially for assessment of tumor prognosis and therapy response.