Summer retreat 2019: WE-Heraeus-Klausurtagung ‘Hüttenseminar’ @ 2334 m

Thanks to all who participated in our Hüttenseminar! A lively mix of scientific talks, afternoon hikes, and morning group challenges – all set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Austrian Alps – made for an excellent summer retreat.

The retreat entitled “Hyperpolarized NMR-Reporters: Physics, Biochemistry and Signal Processing for Optimized Biosensors” was co-organised with Prof. Leif Schröder of Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie, whose group also develop molecular imaging method using hyperpolarized biosensors. We gratefully acknowledgeand funding from the WE-Heraeus-Klausurtagung Stiftung.

Participants AG Schröder

  1. Jan Oliver Jost (Postdoktorand Biochemie, FMP) 
  2. Hen Morik (Doktorand Physics, FMP) 
  3. Ursula Pfeiffer (Doktorandin Biochmie, FMP) 
  4. Leif Schröder (PI, FMP) 
  5. Patrick Schünke (Postdoktorand Physik, FMP)
  6. Patrick Werner (Doktorand Biochemie, FMP)
  7. Lars Winkler (Postdoktorand Biologie, FMP) 

Participants AG Schilling

  1. Maximilian Aigner (Master’s student, Physics, TUM) 
  2. Martin Grashei (Doktorand Physics, TUM) 
  3. Athanasia Kaika (Doktorandin, Physics, TUM) 
  4. Christian Hundshammer (Postdoc Biochemistry, TUM) 
  5. Luca Nagel (Doktorand Physcis, TUM) 
  6. Franz Schilling (PI, TUM)
  7. Mathias Schillmaier (PhD student, Medicine, TUM) 
  8. Jason Skinner (Postdoc, Physics, TUM)
  9. Geoffrey Topping (Postdoc Physics, TUM) 

External guests

  1. Xylar Asay-Davis (Physiker, Los Alamos National Lab; Gastdozent PIK, Potsdam; Dozent für Python-Programmierung, Analyse mehrdimensionaler Datensätze)
  2. Björn Menze (Computer Science, TUM) Thema: Applications of machine learning for biomedical imaging